
Thursday, 22 September 2016

dear readers, followers and Traherne

I'm very pleased to have a new follower and a new reader. Welcome, and thanks for stopping by.

If you feel there's anyone you know who might possibly get something other than a headache from reading this stuff, please feel free to draw them into our waterwords. 

And do comment if you'd like to - always welcome. It can even lead to dialogue - it used to on my old blog "mortality branchlines." I think you have to have a Google account to comment, and I never like suggesting products to people, but Google owns about a third of the planet anyway, so I give in. It's not too arduous a business getting an account.

I'll leave you for a short time with these lovely words from Thomas Traherne, who makes the point so wonderfully that each of us is of the entire universe.

In the 1600’s Traherne wrote, “You never enjoy the world aright, till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars.

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